Eight people are on the NRP's latest list of alleged impaired drivers.
The charges were laid between February 4th-10th.
The following individuals have been charged criminally with impaired driving by alcohol or drugs, driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 80 mgs or above of alcohol in 100 ml of blood, or refusing to provide a breath / blood sample.
Ozzie D. BENTLEY 36 years, Scarborough
Scott D. HARTLEY 53 years, Niagara Falls
Steven J. SCHMIDT 60 years, Painsville OH
Richard J. CHETTLE 60 years, St. Catharines
Aaron L. BROGAN 44 years, Mumford NY
Corey G. ELLIOTT 28 years, Lincoln
Natalino VACCA 70 years, Niagara Falls
Jonathan E. EVANS-URBANOWICH 30 years, New Castle