There's good news for lovers of the Port Dalhousie Piers:
Mayor Walter Sendzik tells us the City of St. Catharines will be taking over the piers once the feds fix them up.
"The Department of Oceans and Fisheries has come back; they will undertake the project, undertake it to rehabilitate the entire piers and inner harbour and upon completion - it's about a two and a half, three year project - upon completion they will divest of it and the city will take ownership."
Sendzik says it's a $30 million investment from the federal government.
Construction is expected to take some time, and likely won't begin until next year at the earliest.
"There's a couple construction period windows that we can't be in, and that's when it comes to the fish breeding times," Sendzik says. "So there are specific times when the construction company will be in the water, and other times when they can't be in certain areas, so that's why it may take a little longer than people expect."