Niagara Falls Council has agreed to extend the Centre Street road closure till September 27th.
Originally, the City had agreed to close the street all day, but after complaints from surrounding businesses Council agreed to a compromise allowing daily closures from 4 p.m. to 7 a.m.
City staff warned councillors that the daily closure could cost taxpayers up to $10-thousand dollars a week.
At a special meeting Monday, CAO Ken Todd said the daily closure can be accomodated easier than first thought.
"We indicated at the time, there was quite a bit of work that needed to be done with respect to the traffic lights, and our staff has been able to work with the region and they indicated they can do that remotely and it can really cut down on the amount of time that's needed everyday, we've also been able to define what the work is that needs to be done on a daily basis with some lane closures on Clifton Hill and Victoria Avenue."
However, Todd did not give councillors a total for what the daily closure costs will be.
When the City originally granted the three businesses in that area patio licences, it was for all day closure of the street but those businesses agreed to the 4 p.m. compromise with the extension of their patio season till the last weekend of September.