Niagara Region and the City of St. Catharines are getting set to start construction work along Church and Niagara streets.
This project will complete the city’s two-way conversion and help improve traffic flow and wayfinding through a busy, five-point intersection in downtown St. Catharines.
The project will be phased over two years. The first phase will include Church Street from Niagara Street to King Street, and include adjacent portions of Geneva Street and Niagara Street.
The second phase will be undertaken in 2019 and will include intersection improvement at Geneva, St.Paul, Queenston and Niagara; and will also include reconstruction of adjacent portions of those streets.
As part of this year’s project the one-way section of Church Street from King Street to Niagara Street will be rebuilt and converted to two-way traffic.
The sections of Niagara Street and Geneva Street adjacent to Church Street will also be rebuilt or rehabilitated.
Businesses will remain open during construction though temporary sidewalk closures may happen from time-to-time. Pedestrian access to business will be maintained at all times.
Church Street, Geneva Street and Niagara Street will be open to through traffic during construction.
However, there will be temporary lane restrictions which will cause delays. Residents can avoid delays by using alternate routes.
During road reconstruction, on-street parking on Niagara Street may be temporarily unavailable at times. On street parking will still be available on Niagara Street in the area of Church Street.