Food assistance program are feeling the pinch as people try to stock up and prepare for the possibility of contracting the virus.
Community Care of St. Catharines and Thorold CEO Betty-Lou Souter says this time of month is typically busy as people are between social assistance cheques, but the last few days have been exceptional. "Friday was the busiest day we've seen, probably, on record."
Food and funds are still being accepted, but donations of household goods are still on hold. Donations will be accepted at the back door to the building.
On a brighter note, Souter says a donor recently stopped by with a car-full of toilet paper for Community Care clients. "He came in and he had a car-load of toilet paper and he said, 'I'm hoarding for your clients.' He said when he was in the store he said this was going to go to the people who don't have the ability to hoard."