City of Hamilton confirms four new cases of COVID-19.
Mayor Fred Eisenberger made the announcement at a press conference just after 5:30pm.
Dr. Elizabeth Richardson, Medical Officer of Health for the City of Hamilton says they are still investigating, but it does appear all the new cases are travel-related.
She says risk to the public from these cases is low.
Paul Johnson, General Manager of Healthy & Safe Communities for Hamilton and Director of Emergency Operations Centre says in response the city will be closing most facilities including parks, senior centres, and libraries.
Here is a list of everything closing:
- Recreation Centres: (Ancaster Aquatic, Bennetto, Bernie Morelli, Brewster Pool, Central Memorial, Dalewood, Dundas Pool, Dundas Recreation, Hill Park, Huntington, Jimmy Thompson Pool, Pinky Lewis, Riverdale, Ryerson, Sir Allan McNab, Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Sir Winston Churchill, Stoney Creek, Valley Park, Westmount, Winona)
- Senior’s Centres: (Sackville, Flamborough, Ancaster Senior Achievement Centre)
- Senior’s Clubs: (Club 60, Dundas, Main Hess, Rosedale, Victoria Park, Warden Park, Winona)
- Ancaster Rotary Centre (Heron Creek Fitness at the Ancaster Rotary Centre currently remains open)
- Arenas: (Beverly, Bill Friday, Carlisle, Chedoke Arena, Coronation, JL Grightmire, Eastwood, Glanbrook, Harry Howell, Inch Park, Morgan Firestone, Mountain Arena, Mountain Arena Skating Centre, Olympic, Parkdale, Quad Pad – Mohawk 4 Ice Centre, Rosedale, Saltfleet, Spring Valley, Stoney Creek, Valley Park)
- Community Halls: (Beasley (Simone Hall), Beverly Township, Binbrook, Carlisle Memorial, Fruitland Hall, Millgrove, Mount Hope, Mountsberg, Sealy Park, Sheffield, Valens, Waterdown Memorial, Woodburn Hall, Eastmount Community Hall)
- Gage Park Tropical Greenhouse
- City-run Museums: (Ancaster Old Town Hall, Battlefield House Museum, Dundurn National Historic Site, Fieldcote Museum, Hamilton Children’s Museum, Hamilton Military Museum, Steam and Technology Museum and Woodshed facility, and Whitehern House and Stables)
- Tourism Visitor Centre at the Lister Block
- Hamilton Public Library: All Hamilton Public Library branches are closed effective as of 5 P.M. today through Sunday, April 5. While the Library is closed, no library materials will become due. HPL’s online resources are available 24/7. Customers can register for a Library card online and find eBooks, eAudio, magazines, newspapers and more on
Here is a list of everything staying open:
- City Hall at 71 Main St. W
- Ontario Works buildings
- Municipal Service Centres (Service Canada counters at the municipal service centres in Flamborough, Dundas and at Hamilton City Hall are closed)
- Mountain Transit Centre at 2200 Upper James St.
- Community Recycling Centres
- HSR service counter at the Hunter Go Station
- Municipal cemeteries
- Hamilton Water service counter at 330 Wentworth St. N
- Housing service counter at 350 King St. E
- Animal Services at 247 Dartnall Rd.
- Parking System Office at 80 Main St. W
- Provincial Offences Administration Offices at 50 Main St. E
- Municipal Licensing and By-law Services offices at 77 James St. N