A passenger who travelled on a Go bus from Pearson International Airport to the Hamilton Go Centre has tested positive for COVID-19.
Metrolinx officials have confirmed the passenger was on the Route 40 bus on March 12th at 6:10 p.m.
The driver of the bus has not developed any symptoms, but is now self-isolating as a precaution.
The bus has been removed from service and thoroughly disinfected.
Metrolinx officials say Hamilton Public Health officials deemed the risk to be low.
Any customers with concerns are being encouraged to speak to their healthcare provider.
We've been informed that a person travelling on a route 40 GO bus from Pearson to Hamilton GO Centre on Mar 12 at 6:10pm has tested positive for #COVID19. We wish them a speedy recovery. Our driver spoke with public health, has no symptoms & is self-isolating as a precaution. 1/2
— Metrolinx (@Metrolinx) March 19, 2020