CTV is apologizing to anyone offended by comments made by a correspondent on its daytime talk-show ``The Social'' following this week's firing of hockey commentator Don Cherry for remarks many considered off-colour.
During Tuesday's show, Jessica Allen said she doesn't worship at the altar of hockey, and she found in her own experience in high school and university, that those who did ``all tended to be white boys'' who weren't very nice.
CTV says Allen's comments generated an extraordinary response, mostly from hockey parents furious at being accused of raising entitled bullies.
Even the family of one of the survivors of the Humboldt Broncos bus crash says they will no longer speak with CTV News over Allen's comments about hockey.
In reaction to Allen's statement, Tom Straschnitzki, the father of Ryan Straschnitzki, took to Twitter and said he would not be accepting any further interview requests from CTV News reporters until disciplinary action was taken against the host.
Allen has since tweeted a statement saying she regrets some of her comments and apologized to those who took offence.
The network says it is sorry, but adds it won't restrict its hosts from offering their opinions on an opinion show.