Don Cherry says he will be drinking a few beers watching hockey this Saturday night waiting to see who will be sitting in his seat during Hockey Night in Canada.
He says he's not whining about being fired, and he stands by his comments that everyone should wear a poppy.
The former ``Coach's Corner'' co-host says you have to take the bitter with the sweet, and the broadcast business is the toughest in the world.
Hours after he was fired by Sportsnet from his Coach's Corner segment on HNIC, Cherry broke his silence.
Cherry says if he came back and apologized he would have been back on HNIC Saturday.
"I could have stayed on if I wanted to and knuckled under and turned into a simp. But that's not my style, I'd rather go out on my shield."
He says if you're not going to be yourself of TV, there's no point.
He says it's unbelievable that after 38 years he's unemployed.
Cherry was terminated after a 37-year run on HNIC, following comments he made last Saturday when he singled out new immigrants in Toronto and Mississauga, where he lives, for not wearing poppies.
Digiulio quickly asked him if he wanted to clarify his remarks.
"I did not mean that. What I did mean everybody, not just the people that think it. Once you say your people, you people, you know you're in trouble and that's exactly what happened."
Sportsnet apologized yesterday for Cherry's comments.
Cherry told Digiulio he will miss working Saturday nights and the NHL playoffs and will kick back with a beer or two this coming Saturday to see who his replacement will be.