If you're one of those people who keep hand sanitizer in your car, here's something you'll want to keep in mind.
Doctors at Alberta say people shouldn't leave hand sanitizer in their cars for too long because it could lead to a fire.
The high alcohol content could ignite in extreme heat.
The advice comes in a daily COVID-19 newsletter distributed to physicians, volunteers and staff.
They say handwashing with soap and warm water is still the best way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The National Fire Protection Association in the United States also issued a warning in mid-April about the possibility, although it notes there must be an ignition source for a fire to occur.
It said spontaneous combustion is highly unlikely unless a vehicle were to reach extreme temperatures.
There are, however, cases cited in medical journals, including one from 2011 of a health-care worker who was burned when she lit a cigarette after using hand sanitizer.