A bombshell of a report by the Toronto Star.
The paper reporting the Ford Tories are planning to cancel regional chair elections in Niagara, Peel, York and the Muskokas.
The move would come just as the deadline for candidates in the October municipal election to file their nomination papers is set for 2:00 this afternoon.
Ford has a news conference scheduled for this morning at Queen's Park where he is expected to detail his plans which also include cutting the size of Toronto city council from 47 councillors to just 25.
The Star says nominations for the Toronto municipal elections will be reopened until mid September after the legislation passes in August.
We don't know if that extension will be applied here in Niagara, if Ford does in fact cancel the first ever election for a regional chair.
Up until now, the regional chair was appointed by council from among candidates who won a seat at the region in the municipal election.