A flood outlook update has been issued by the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority following all the freezing rain and rain we have had this week.
Officials say water levels in local areas are elevated but still below critical thresholds.
The forecast is calling for another 10 to 15mm of rain throughout the day today with temperatures reaching 12 degrees overnight.
Officials say runoff from the rain and melting ice will increase water levels, and flooding of typical flood prone areas is expected or occurring.
Environment Canada has issued a Wind Warning calling for strong southwesterly winds in Niagara.
Officials from the NPCA say the direction and speed of the wind will cause water levels to rapidly increase in the Eastern Lake Erie Basin although they are to remain below critical levels in our area.
With an approximate 80% ice cover on Lake Erie, there is also an increased risk of ice shove and piling along the Lake Erie Shoreline.
Residents living along Lake Erie are advised to monitor local conditions.