Officials with the town of Fort Erie are trying to address what they call 'growing pains' at Bay Beach.
As construction continues residents have been voicing frustrations with parking, access to the water, and accessibility of washrooms..
Town officials say they are trying to address those concerns with clearly marked porta potties, limited parking at paid lots, and assigning staff to carefully monitor the only available entrance to the sand.
Bay Beach made headlines last week after multiple reports surfaced of beach goers choosing to forgo the use of the porta potties, instead opting to relieve themselves in the water or on the sand.
In a release Mayor Wayne Redekop says, "change is often accompanied by growing pains, and Bay Beach has been no exception. The removal of the permanent washrooms, only one entrance, and parking have been on-going issues, but with the full support of Town staff these issues are being actively addressed and adjustments made on a weekly basis to ensure an enjoyable beach experience for residents and visitors alike. We are confident that once we get through these growing pains that the end result will be well worth the current difficulties."