Grimsby's town manager is no longer with the corporation.
CKTB News has learned Derik Brandt is no longer employed with the town of Grimsby.
Brandt was hired in February of 2016, taking over for Keith Vogl, who retired in 2015.
He was in charge of running the Town’s various departments.
Town officials released this statement:
Effective Feb. 5, 2019, Derik Brandt is no longer employed by the Town of Grimsby in the role of Town Manager/CAO. Town Council would like to thank Derik for his numerous contributions to the organization and community over the last several years. The Mayor and Council wish him luck in his future endeavours. Derik Brandt had been with the organization since February 2016. Town Council will be undertaking a robust recruitment process to recruit a new Town Manager over the coming months. During this time of transition, Council plans to appoint van acting CAO while the recruitment process is ongoing.
Brandt sent out this note:
I just thought I’d let everyone know that I was let go at the Council meeting last night. Actually, they officially didn’t sever my employment until 9:30 this morning but they let me know last night first. It's a new Council and they want to move forward with a clean break. I was fine with that. So I cleaned out some of my things last night and this morning and between 8:30 and 9:30 this morning I made the rounds with staff saying goodbye. When I see you guys again we can talk more. It’s one of the tough parts of the job. I've enjoyed working with all of you and learned so much from you all. I thoroughly enjoyed working with every one of you! This is my personal email address if you ever want to get a hold of me.