For Habs fans, the place to be this weekend is Grimsby.
The Grimsby Minor Hockey Association is hosting the Montreal Canadiens Alumni Team for a game on Sunday, December 2nd at the Peach King Centre.
GMHA President Simon Duong outlines the alumni team:
"The coach is going to be Yvon Lambert, we got Chris Nilan coming, Sergio Momesso, Patrice Brisebois, Marc Andre Bergerson. There's eleven players coming and it's pretty exciting. Keith Acton is actually going to come to a Peach Kings game on Friday night and do a puck drop for us."
The Town of Grimsby team will consist of politicians, firefighters, and other special guests.
Tickets are available at the Peach King Centre - a VIP package including meet and greet is $75, general admission is $25, and standing room is $15.
All proceeds benefit the Grimsby Minor Hockey Association.