Hundreds of high school students in Niagara taking part in a province wide walk out today.
CKTB has received reports from all over the region of students walking out of class to protest outside.
A small group of students has even gathered at city hall.
The protests are planned in opposition to the governments changes to education.
Students Brianna and Maddy walked out from St. Francis Catholic Secondary School.
One of the students told CKTB's Matt Holmes that she's walking out because she won't be able to afford post-secondary education without OSAP.
She adds that she has a younger sister in early high school, and wants her to have the same positive high school experience she has had.
Meantime, the government is claiming that teachers were helping organize the walkouts.
President of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation Harvey Bischoof says they didn't offer or provide any support for these walkouts.
He says the students are obviously deeply concerned about what the government is doing.
Brianna and Maddy echoed that sentiment, saying that they are part of groups that organized the walkouts and the social media pages.
To listen to CKTB's Matt Holmes' interview with OSSTF President Harvey Bischoof, click here.
To listen to CKTB's Matt Holmes' interview with St. Francis students Brianna and Maddy, click here.
Students gathered outside of St. Denis Catholic High School