It stands to be a busy night at Regional Council in Niagara.
Council is set to deal with an Integrity Commissioner's report that found Councillor Andy Petrowski violated the region's code of conduct when a pornographic email was distributed from his account. The report is recommending a suspension of pay for 30 days.
Also a lawyer's report into the tainted hiring process of the Region's chief administrative officer is slated to be released to the public with a presentation to council by Toronto lawyer Marvin Huberman who was hired to look into the matter.
However, The St. Catharines Standard has learned the investigator did not contact key sources that provided information to the newspaper during its months long investigation into the hiring process of CAO Carmen D'Angelo.
The Standard's Grant LaFleche will join CKTB's Niagara in the Morning at 8:20 to talk about the issue.