A special ceremony will be held this weekend to honour Indigenous Veterans.
Valour and Victory is similar to a Remembrance Day service, but pays tribute specifically to the contributions and sacrifices made by Six Nations and Native Allies in supporting Canadians and the British.
Guests are invited to meet in front of Queenston Heights Restaurant this Saturday at 10:45 a.m. ahead of the procession to the Landscape of Nations Memorial ceremony at 11 a.m.
They are asking that you dress for the weather as the event will take place rain or shine.
Queenston Heights is located at 14184 Niagara Parkway, Queenston.
The Battle of Queenston Heights on October 13, 1812 served as an extraordinary expression of historic alliances that extended back generations and marked an essential moment in the emergence of a fledgling country whose borders and character were being tested and defined. In recognition of the contributions and sacrifices made by Six Nations and Native Allies in supporting their British and Canadian compatriots, and securing victory at pivotal events at Queenston Heights and throughout the War of 1812, we commence this year an annual Memorial, Honouring, and Reconciliation Service to remember those who secured our freedom by exhibiting both strength and peacemaking skills.