An ice storm is headed towards Niagara with heavy snow transitioning to freezing rain at around 8 p.m.
Freezing rain and ice pellets are expected to continue until 4 a.m. tomorrow, while winds will pick up to around 70 km/hr.
"A prolonged period of freezing rain leading to significant ice build up in some areas. Ice accretion of 5 to 15 millimetres is possible. The strongest wind gusts are expected for exposed areas downwind of Lake Ontario."
Freezing rain will taper off early tomorrow to patchy freezing drizzle.
"Extensive utility outages and tree damage are possible due to the combination of ice accretion and strong winds."
Surfaces such as highways, roads, walkways and parking lots will become icy, slippery and extremely hazardous, according to Environment Canada.
"Slow down driving in slippery conditions. Watch for taillights ahead and maintain a safe following distance. There may be a significant impact on rush hour traffic in urban areas. Beware of branches or electrical wires that could break under the weight of ice. Public Safety Canada encourages everyone to make an emergency plan and get an emergency kit with drinking water, food, medicine, a first-aid kit and a flashlight."
School buses for the Niagara Catholic and District School Board of Niagara have been cancelled for tomorrow. Click here to see a full list of weather-related cancellations.