Some residents in Niagara Falls are still waiting for their leaf bags to be picked up.
The bags were not picked up during Monday's regular pickup for residents in the Lundy's Lane and Dorchester Road area and the bags are still sitting at the curb.
On Wednesday, the Niagara Region tweeted out, "Recycling, garbage and organics collection is delayed in Fort Erie, Niagara Falls and Welland. Leaf and yard waste collection is delayed by up to two days in most municipalities. Missed areas are a priority for collection on Thursday."
The region also advising homeowners, "Heads up #Niagara! Leaf and yard waste bags buried in snow will not be collected. Bags need to be uncovered to ensure collection staff can remove them from the curb. Any bags buried in snow and not collected can be placed out on your next collection day."
Our newsroom reached out to the region's Public Works Acting Commissioner, Catherine Habermebl after we received numerous complaints from residents on our social media pages.
In an email reply she suggests "If residents have any issues with collection they call the waste info line 905-356-4141 / 1-800-594-5542 or send an inquiry via