The Town of Lincoln has lifted its suspension on issuing open-air fire permits.
Residents are now required to get a burn permit for open-air fires.
While municipal offices were closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, residents were allowed to conduct open-air burning without a permit, as long as they followed all other regulations.
These permits are now required and are available online for $40.
According to the Town of Lincoln Open-Air Fire By-law, an open-air fire is defined as a fire in any open place, yard, field or area that is not contained or enclosed by a building or structure, and includes agricultural fires, chimineas, bonfires and campfires.
There is no fee for farm burn permits on agriculturally-zoned lands used for farming operations. Burn permits are valid for the calendar year and expire on Dec. 31 of each year.
“We thank our residents for their patience during the suspension and for their cooperation in ensuring they were burning safely for agricultural and recreational purposes,” says Town of Lincoln Mayor Sandra Easton. “We are happy to be able to improve the convenience of obtaining a burn permit by offering this new online service.”