Local workers will be heading to CAMI in Ingersoll to join union members for a rally.
A rally is planned for this Friday, and president of Local 199 Greg Brady says the Niagara region will be well represented.
"We are having a rally again in Ingersoll this Friday. We have a bus leaving the Union Hall at 10:30 a.m. going up for the rally. It's between 1 - 3 p.m. and then after the rally we'll be heading back to St. Catharines."
Brady says more than 155 St. Catharines workers are still on temporary layoffs while the Spencer ARL plant in Niagara Falls remains idle.
The strike in Ingersoll began on September 17th as workers fight for job security - they are pushing to be the lead producer of the Equinox after losing the Terrain to a Mexican plant earlier this year.
The company and the union met in Detroit in Thursday, but weren't able to hammer out a deal.