As COVID-19 infections rise in the province, Ontario is continuing to track outbreaks at schools.
The Ministry website identifies the schools and whether it was a staff or student or unidentified person who has tested postive for COVID-19.
So far, there have been a total of 238 lab-confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Ontario schools and 109 in licensed child-care facilities.
The majority of the school cases are in COVID-19 hot spots in the province, Toronto, Peel and Ottawa regions.
Here in Niagara, to date we've had four reported cases of COVID-19 in schools.
According to the Ministry website, one at Mary Ward in Niagara Falls, two at Eastdale Secondary School in Welland and one at William Hamilton Merritt Elementary School in St. Catharines.
In each of those cases the ministry identifies the positive case as a staff member.
You can find a link to the website by clicking here.