MPP's in Niagara are going over the 105 page NPCA audit.
The Auditor General's report into the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority's spending and operating produces didn't shine a positive light on the authority.
The report called into question the hiring of it's CAO, developing land without environmental assessments, and significant operational issues.
The NPCA made a statement following the release of the report, saying it's not perfect but it is trending in the right direction.
Niagara West PC MPP Sam Oosterhoff says while much remains to be done, the Auditor General noted that the NPCA has responded positively and taken steps to improve their operations and has a number of initiatives underway to address long standing problems.
He says he is encouraged to see the NPCA taking concrete steps to put the recommendations of the Auditor General into effect.
Oosterhoff says while there is still a long way to go, today’s report shows that the NPCA is willing to work to regain the public trust.
To read the full AG report click here.