Official Opposition NDP Leader Andrea Horwath says she will force a vote this afternoon in the legislature on a motion to cap all class sizes at no more than 15.
Horwath says "COVID-19 cases keep going up, and more new infections are being reported every day among the students and staff who are back in school, with one school already being forced to shut down because of COVID-19 cases."
The opposition leader adding “Doug Ford is penny-pinching on the backs of students, jamming kids into full-size classes to avoid having to hire more teachers and education workers. Today, with the province on the brink of a second wave, I’m calling on the legislature to change course, and finally cap all class sizes at 15.”
She concludes, “Time is up. A new wave of infections is here, and students are back in schools. Let’s pass this motion today, and get our kids into smaller, safer capped classes as quickly as possible.”