The new interim CAO of the NPCA says she's very aware of the authority's past and it's critical to repair its reputation.
Gayle Wood says she is no stranger to the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, as she worked for the NPCA right out of University.
She says as a resident of Niagara, she cares deeply about the watershed.
Wood says the NPCA is in need of change and she supported the Auditor General's report looking at the authority.
Wood says she will be serving as leader of the authority for 5 months, but you never know what can happen in the future.
She says a lot of work can be done in five months time.
Wood says the current Board Chair Dave Bylsma has expressed his concern over staff members at the NPCA and she will focus on improving staff relations.
She says relationships also need to be improved between municipalities and the authority, and she has a lot of experience in that field.
The Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) announced yesterday that Wood would be taking over the position of Interim Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer starting on Friday.
Her recent experience includes Chief Administrative Officer/Secretary-Treasurer to the Nottawasaga Valley, Ganaraska and Lake Simcoe Conservation Authorities.
She has worked for the provincial ministries of Natural Resources and the Environment and has experience in the private sector.
Wood says she's already corresponding with NPCA staff via email before she arrives in person at the end of the week.