A Conservative leadership candidate is having little success with Ontario breweries.
Pierre Poilievre shared a video of himself, at a rally with supporters, explaining that Steam Whistle in Toronto did not want him appearing at its Toronto brewery for an event, because it doesn't share all of his political views.
Poilievre called Steam Whistle's decision 'gutless' saying it's watered down, 'just like their beer.'
"I don't even like their beer. I like a strong beer with flavour."
In a follow up post, he then went on to compliment a Niagara-made beer.
He said he was enjoying an Oast House beer, which is made in Niagara-on-the-Lake.
"Oast is a Niagara beer, beautifully brewed, that is not watered down, powerfully tasting. If you drink this beer it fights inflation."
Oast then made a public statement saying it is not connected to Poilievre’s visit to Niagara.
"Just for the record our brewery had zero affiliation with Mr. Poilievre’s recent event in Niagara, nor were we even aware our beer was there until the tweet a few hours ago. Also, to clear up any confusion, this is definitely NOT our property in the video."
Poilievre is one of the front runners in the race for Canada's Conservative Leadership.
People are dumping old watered-down woke politics down the drain to switch it out for a strong, refreshing movement that helps them take back control of their lives.
— Pierre Poilievre (@PierrePoilievre) April 22, 2022
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