Niagara Falls Council was scheduled to go behind closed doors at 4:00 this afternoon to discuss garbage again, but this time staff is ensuring that no one leaves with any notes on the discussion in what is assumed to be part of an effort to prevent media leaks from In Camera sessions.
In an email, to members of council and senior staff, obtained by CKTB news, City Clerk Bill Matson explains that all electronic devices, including iPads and cell phones will not be allowed into the closed door meeting.
The email goes on to say that any hand written notes made during the meeting will be collected and shredded.
The only exception being notes taken by Clerks staff for the purpose of preparing minutes.
Niagara Falls Mayor Jim Diodati and Councillor Victor Pietrangelo have been spearheading a move that would see Niagara Falls opt out of regional garbage collection and go it alone.
The Region is set to address the issue at a meeting next Tuesday of the Public Works Committee.
A Regional staff report recommends that the Region decline the request of the City of Niagara Falls.