Should all of Niagara residents be expected to cover costs for a new hospital in Grimsby?
That's at the core of a dilemma facing Niagara Region Council as staff try to put together a funding formula to help municipalities fund projects in their own backyard.
The new planned hospital in Grimsby serves mainly West Niagara families, but is asking the Niagara Region for $14M in funding.
Lincoln Councillor Rob Foster tells CKTB a formula needs to be put together to deal with this issue, but also other projects like the South Niagara hospital, and upgrades for Shaver.
Foster says it's unfortunate that local communities are expected to pay for their hospitals, saying it should be 100 percent provincially funded.
West Niagara municipalities including Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln have committed to $26M to the hospital build, and the hospital's foundation is adding $20 million.