Fallout continues from an article published in today’s St. Catharines Standard on the hiring of the Region’s CAO, with one of the candidates for Regional Chair calling for a human resources audit of regional hirings and another investigation by the Ontario Ombudsman’s office.
Pelham Mayor, and Regional Chair candidate, Dave Augustyn is reacting to the report published in today’s Standard which alleges that current CAO Carmen D’Angelo was provided documents by staff in Regional Chair Alan Caslin’s office The documents included questions and answers he would be asked when he was interviewed for the top job at the Region.
Augustyn says the first investigation into the hiring of the CAO done by lawyer Marvin Huberman, left more questions than answers, leading him to file a complaint with the ombudsman’s office this morning.
Augustyn says he’d also like a human resource audit done of management employees hired under the current CAO and Chair, “there have been a number of people, over the last couple of years, that have come to me and said, how is it that this person got hired when I know that another person was more qualified for the position?”
Fellow candidate for Regional Chair, Damian Goulbourne, also issued a statement today calling the new information from the newspaper article “disturbing.”
He's calling for the current Regional Council to launch a formal investigation into the latest allegations, and those named as having participated in this breach of trust to immediately be removed from their positions while these matters are investigated.
CKTB has also reached out to the other candidates, John “Ringo” Beam and Alan Caslin for comment.
Below is full statement from candidate Damian Goulbourne.