Niagara continues to have one confirmed case of COVID-19.
An 84 year old man tested positive for the virus Thursday after he was taken to the St. Catharines hospital by EMS on March 10th for an unrelated medical problem.
Once he arrived at the hospital further investigation revealed the man may have had symptoms the day prioir, triggering further testing.
Niagara's Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr. Mustafa Hirji says, "There was no known exposure to anybody at the hospital beyond the health care providers who were caring for the patient."
The man is recieving treatment in an isolated room. The man's relative, the paramedics, and health care providers who came in contact with him are also in self isolation.
Public Health is currently conducting an investigation into the source of the man's infection. Although the man has no recent travel history, a relative had recently returned from Portugal.
Hirji says, "Thus far we have not identified any locations out in the public where people may have been exposed. We have identified certain persons who may have been exposed and we're following up with them."
Ontario's total COVID-19 cases surged to 79 yesterday as 19 new cases were reported.