Niagara Student Transportation Services is delaying putting out the final route and seating plans by one day.
Although NSTS had hoped to put out the plans today, last minute address changes and other concerns came in on Monday.
"We're seeing a lot of changes on Monday coming through the schools for address changes, for daycares, new registrations coming in," NSTS Executive Director Lori Ziraldo explains. "We wanted to make sure that we just slow down so we can serve those families."
Ziraldo says they also had a late rush on opt ins.
"For the opt in rate we broke it down by elementary and secondary, and it's 70 percent of elementary student have opted in to ride the bus and 77 percent of secondary students."
The overall opt in rate now sits at 74 percent.
Some of the major changes on buses this year include assigned seating, open windows to optimize airflow, and mandatory face coverings for students in grades 4 - 12.
Parents are also asked to confirm their child is registered to ride the bus ahead of time through the online parent portal.
The final routes and seating plans are expected to be released tomorrow at 7 a.m.