After more than 4 hours debating a mandatory mask by-law, Niagara Regional Councillors voted to defer the issue to their next meeting.
Councillors eventually ended up voting to put the issue off until the next meeting on July 23rd.
St. Catharines Mayor Walter Sendzik put forward the motion to defer the decision, saying the bylaw should be amended to resemble similar bylaws in other jurisdictions.
The deferral vote was a close one, with Regional Chair Jim Bradley casting the tie-breaking vote to put the issue off and investigate further.
A motion was passed for region staff to work on a comprehensive campaign to promote wearing face coverings when physical distancing is not possible.
Niagara had no new cases of COVID-19 today, in fact our regional total dropped by one to 768 after one case was determined to be out of jurisdiction.
St. Catharines Council has voted for their legal team to move forward on a mandatory mask by-law when indoors in public spaces.
It could be passed on Monday.