The interim, board chair at the Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority (NPCA) has no plans to continue in that position.
Dave Bylsma, Mayor of West Lincoln, told CKTB's Roundtable that once the interim board's mission is done, he doesn't plan to seek a permanent spot as chair on the authority.
"I would like to see this thing through, at least in the short term to the end of this. I'd like to hand this off better than I got it"
Bylsma was repeatedly asked about the compensation package agreed to by the NPCA Board and former, acting CAO Dave Barrick but refused to divulge details.
It was reported that Barrick was fired from the agency in November, by former CAO Mark Brickell, before suddenly being announced as the acting CAO in December.
Bylsma refused to confirm whether Barrick ever left the employment of the agency.
"I saw information on both sides, and the verdict, look honestly the verdict is out for me. I have seen some files recently at the region and I've seen some things that just go crazy, even if there was an actual termination nothing, nothing logicially happened or logistically happened to further that, so there was no buy out at that time and no agreement at that time."
The interim NPCA board will be at the Region on Thursday, seeking an extension of their term for an additional three months.
Originally, Regional Council had committed to appointing Regional Councillors for three months "until it is determined how to proceed with the Board composition”.
A number of the lower-tier municipalities have called for citizen appointments to the NPCA, as opposed to politicians.