The Niagara Regional Police are looking to hire 40 more officers.
The hiring is included in the 2020 operating budget with a goal to have fully trained front line patrol officers ready to go by 2021.
Generally, the recruitment process takes 3 to 6 months including two weeks of local training, thirteen weeks at the Ontario Police College, and an additional three weeks with the NRPS Training Unit.
Over the last seven years police services across Canada, including the NRP, have seen a 50 percent decrease in the number of applicants.
NRP officials will be holding three information sessions as they kick off a recruitment drive:
Thursday, January 30th at Niagara Regional Police Headqaurters 5700 Valley Way, Niagara Falls
Saturday, February 8th at Centre for Policing & Community Safety Studies 107 Seneca Trail, Welland
South Asian Information Session
Saturday, March 21st at Centre for Policing & Community Safety Studies 107 Seneca Trail, Welland