Ontario is putting $1.8 million toward 15 pilot projects aimed at improving police response to sexual violence.
The projects and funding will span two years and are part of the Liberal government's action plan to end sexual violence and harassment.
The government says the projects will provide ``a more compassionate, sensitive response when survivors of sexual violence come forward and report their experiences'' and will enhance police investigative practices.
The projects include a child- and youth-focused sexual assault advocacy centre in Barrie, Ont., a private and secure location for victim interviews with provincial police in two northern communities outside of the area detachments, and several police training programs.
Police in Windsor, Ont., will set up an online tool allowing complainants to make a report online, which they hope will reduce barriers to reporting, but will also provide victims with resources if they indicate they don't want police involvement.
Police services will be asked for the next round of proposals in the spring of 2018.