The Ontario government has extended its emergency order again, this time until June 9th.
So that means outdoor playgrounds, public swimming pools and restaurants and bars, except for takeout and delivery, will remain closed.
Restrictions on social gatherings will remain at no more than five people.
The Premier says "We are extending these emergency orders to protect the health and safety of all individuals and families as we begin to gradually and safely reopen our province."
Here is the full list of emergency orders that have been extended until June 9, 2020:
•Closure of Establishments
•Prohibiting Organized Public Events, Certain Gatherings
•Work Deployment Measures for Health Care Workers
•Drinking Water Systems and Sewage Works
•Electronic Service
•Work Deployment Measures in Long -Term Care Homes
•Closure of Places of Non-Essential Businesses
•Traffic Management
•Streamlining Requirements for Long-Term Care Homes
•Prohibition on Certain Persons Charging Unconscionable Prices for Necessary Goods
•Closure of Outdoor Recreational Amenities
•Enforcement of O rders
•Work Deployment Measures for Boards of Health
•Work Deployment Measures in Retirement Homes
•Access to COVID-19 Status Information by Specified Persons
•Service Agencies Providing Services and Supports to Adults with Developmental Disabilities
•Pickup and Delivery of Cannabis
•Signatures in Wills and Powers of Attorney
•Use of Force and Firearms in Policing Services
•Child Care Fees
•Agreements Between Health Service Providers and Retirement Homes
•Temporary Health or Residential Facilities
•Closure of Public Lands for Recreational Camping
•Work Deployment Measures for Service Agencies Providing Violence Against Women Residential Services and Crisis Line Services
•Limiting Work to a Single Long-Term Care Home
•Work Deployment Measures for District Social Services Administration Boards
•Deployment of Employees of Service Provider Organizations
•Work Deployment Measures for Municipalities
•Limiting Work to a Single Retirement Home
•Work Deployment Measures for Mental Health and Addictions Agencies
•Congregate Care Settings
•Access to Personal Health Information by Means of the Electronic Health Record
•Certain Persons Enabled to Issue Medical Certificates of Death
•Hospital Credentialing Processes
•Education Sector
•Management of Long-term Care Homes in Outbreak
The following orders have also been extended:
•Electricity Price for RPP Consumers (until May 31, 2020)
•Global Adjustment for Market Participants and Consumers (until June 1, 2020)