The town of Pelham will debate a motion put forward by Mayor Dave Augustyn tonight calling for an independent third-party audit of all transactions and documents related to the 3.3 acre Parkland Over-Dedication to the Town by Fonthill Gardens and a 2015 Development Charge Credit agreement between the Town of Pelham and Fonthill Gardens.
Tonight's motion directs staff to retain forensic auditing experts KPMG Canada to undertake the audit and to publicly report their findings.
Augustyn's motion will not recommend that Pelham accept an offer from developer Rainer Hummel who pulled a $50,000 cheque out of his pocket at a regional audit committee meeting last month offering to pay for such an audit.
Augustyn has previously said he considers it ethically inappropriate to accept the money as it sets an unacceptable precedent of granting wealth great influence and privilege in municipal decision-making.