Police east of Toronto say they've found the DNA of a second woman on a property where a pregnant teen's dismembered remains were found.
Durham Regional Police say they believe the DNA belongs to Kandis Fitzpatrick, who was last seen by her family in 2008 when she would have been 18.
Investigators did not comment on the nature of the DNA.
The home is also where police found the remains of 18-year-old Rori Hache late last year, months after her family reported her missing.
Police have said they are treating Hache's death as a homicide, though no murder-related charges have been laid so far.
Adam Strong of Oshawa, Ont., has been charged with indignity to a body in relation to Hache's remains.
A fisherman discovered a torso in Lake Ontario that was later linked to Hache by DNA testing.
Officers found more of Hache's remains, and a homemade explosive device, in a basement apartment in Oshawa in December.