Police say they will be addressing residents concerns over an increase of ATVs and other off roads vehicles in Welland and Port Colborne.
The NRP say every spring they receive an influx of off road motor vehicle complaints, but this year there are more complaints.
Police say many Welland and Port Colborne residents have expressed concerns over excessive noise, property damage and a lack of concern for public safety by some riders.
Operators of off road motor vehicles are reminded that they are not allowed on public lands and private property without consent by the land manager/owner.
Properties owned by the St. Lawrence Seaway, Railways, Hydro and any other properties marked as no trespassing are considered off limits.
Off road motor vehicles are generally not allowed on public roads unless they meet all the requirements of the Highway Traffic Act .
Officers have started regular patrols throughout the Welland and Port Colborne areas to address complaints related to off road motor vehicle infractions.
The Niagara Regional Police Service would like to remind all riders of off road motor vehicles to operate safely and within the confines of the law while being respectful to others within the community.