The mask debate heated up this week in Canada after our medical officer of health made an official recommendation for us to wear masks when physically distancing is not possible.
Premier Doug Ford also ``highly recommended'' wearing a non-medical mask when close to others.
610 CKTB launched an online poll on Twitter and Facebook asking our followers if they will follow the advice.
On Facebook, over 3000 votes were cast, and just 62% of respondents said they would wear a mask.
Some people explained they couldn't due to health reasons.
"Unfortunately I get extremely claustrophobic and can’t breathe in warm air or I start panicking it would never work for me..."
1922 others said they would wear a mask.
"Absolutely I will!! If I have to have a bit of discomfort to save a life, that is what I will do. And I would hope that everyone else would have the same respect."
"All the claustrophobic complaints... we have to wear them for 13 hours as healthcare workers in the hospital for the foreseeable future, they are very uncomfortable, yes, but it is possible to wear it for the VERY short duration of time when you will be in public (and only when you are within 2ft of others, not while you are out constantly)."
On Twitter, our poll received more votes in favour of wearing a mask with 78% of users saying they will follow health advice.