The provincial government will make a decision on potentially extending Toronto and Peel's Stay At Home orders today.
Health officials in the two COVID-19 hotspots have asked for the measures to continue over concerns surrounding the more contagious variants of the virus.
Toronto's Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Eileen de Villa says, 'I've never been more concerned about the threat of COVID-19 in Toronto.'
Health Minister Christine Elliott and Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams reviewed the data last evening before making a final recommendation to cabinet.
The announcement is expected this afternoon.
If Toronto, Peel, York, and North Bay move to the colour-coded restriction system many non-essential businesses will be allowed to reopen.
In Niagara, Acting Medical Officer of Health Dr. Mustafa Hirji previously said he does not want Niagara to get too far ahead of Toronto in the reopening plans because people in the locked down areas may be tempted to travel here.