Regional councillors have voted to accept a report by their integrity commissioner, censuring one of their own, for violating the region's code of conduct.
Council also approved commissioner John Mascarin's recommendation that Andy Petrowski apologize and stop using his Twitter account in ways that violate the code.
Petrowski says he plans to respond at the next council meeting.
Two of the complaints focused on comments of a religious nature Petrowski posted on Twitter and the third dealt with his behaviour at a Pelham town meeting.
The St. Catharines regional councillor tried unsuccessfully last week to have the courts delay the release of the integrity commissioner's findings on the grounds the region's code of conduct is in violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Earlier this week, a regional committee proposed changes to the code that defines when a councillor is officially representing the region.
Grimsby Councillor Tony Quirk saying the change acknowledges councillors do have a life away from politics.