Schools in Niagara are open today, but there is one transportation note for this afternoon.
Secondary late buses have been cancelled for today.
Those buses are offered to students who take part in extra-cirricular activities after school hours.
Regular afternoon buses are still running.
The Catholic board has also cancelled any Community Use of School permits for today.
Boards say they will update families with information on tomorrow's plans as it becomes available.
A freezing rain warning continues for Niagara with snow mixed with ice pellets turning into freezing rain tonight.
Messy winter weather is coming thanks to the #ONStorm - that means our Storm Desk is OPEN! Our first update of the day today is that secondary late buses have been cancelled for today (Feb. 22). We will update families with information as it is available throughout the day.
— Niagara Catholic DSB (@niagaracatholic) February 22, 2023