Niagara Regional Police officers will not be facing charges after the Special Investigations Unit looked into the arrest of a man in Niagara Falls.
In March of last year a resident called 911 to report a 58 year old man had consumed alcohol and morphine before stealing their car to go to a bar.
The man later returned to the home where he was arrested by police after a brief struggle and held in custody overnight.
When he left the police station the next day, the man complained of rib pain but refused medical attention from EMS.
In the days that followed, he went to the hospital and a walk-in clinic several times where he told staff he was suing police and was diagnosed with fractured fifth and sixth ribs.
Clinic records show he requested oxycodone and Percocet and tried to get staff to say he had a broken sternum to increase his lawsuit.
After reviewing the evidence and interviewing several witnesses, the director of the SIU has determined there are no reasonable grounds to believe officers acted outside of the limits of the law and will not be laying charges.