St.Catharines fire fighters will be going door-to-door this holiday season, but they won't be carolling, they will be checking that you are fire safe.
As an extension of past success through the Fire Services Residential Alarm Awareness Program, fire suppression crews will be going door to door in select neighbourhoods on Nov. 30, Dec. 7 and Dec. 14 between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.
Crews will spread the message of holiday fire safety, including the importance of fire escape plans and working smoke alarms on all levels of the house and outside sleeping areas alongside carbon monoxide alarms.
Firefighters will offer home safety checks and test smoke and carbon monoxide alarms to ensure home owners are prepared should the worst happen.
The crews will also distribute handouts on holiday fire safety in the hopes of curbing house fires, often caused by careless smoking or cooking.
Smokers should always extinguish cigarettes or cannabis in large, deep ashtrays; never in plant pots that could ignite.
Ashes should be emptied into a metal container, not a garbage can, and put outside.
Those who don’t receive a home visit but would like to learn more can call 905.688.5601 ext. 4224