St. Catharines is honouring some residents with Volunteer Recognition Awards.
Officials says each year they host a gala event to celebrate volunteers, but they won't be able to do that this year with the pandemic.
This year, the City announced its list of those being recognized, with dozens of individuals receiving certificates of recognition via mail, alongside the winners of the Mayor’s Volunteer of the Year Award and the Margaret and Robin MacLennan Youth Volunteer of the Year Award.
A special congratulations to the Mayor’s Volunteer of the Year Award recipient Jess Boulay, and the recipient of the Margaret and Robin MacLennan Youth Volunteer of the Year Award Sara Mateus-Jimenez.
Boulay stepped up to help struggling women and their families as co-coordinator for the St. Catharines Shoebox Project.
Mateus-Jimenez is a volunteer leader with the Yaguars Sports and Social Club.
As part of this year’s recognition Mayor Walter Sendzik recorded thank-you videos for volunteers ahead of them receiving their awards via mail.