A third case of COVID-19 has been confirmed at a Welland high school.
The individual at Eastdale Secondary School has tested positive for COVID-19, and the DSBN says for privacy reasons, the identity of the person will not be shared.
Two staff members at the Welland school have tested positive for COVID so far.
The latest case was previously identified as a contact, and has been self-isolating at home as recommended by public health.
The contact tracing assessment revealed no additional contacts, and therefore no additional staff or students will be required to self-isolate.
On Monday, public health completed a thorough assessment of the school and have advised that no further health and safety measures are required.
Members of the Eastdale school community will continue preventative COVID-19 practices such as physical distancing, hand hygiene, and daily health screening.
Individuals with questions about COVID-19 are encouraged to contact Niagara Region Public Health for assistance from a Public Health Nurse.
Niagara has had five reported cases at schools, one at Mary Ward in Niagara Falls, 3 at Eastdale in Welland and one at William Hamilton Merritt Elementary in St. Catharines.
All of the cases, with the exception of the latest case - which will be confirmed as a student or staff member by the province in the future- have occured in staff members.