The town of Fort Erie is calming residents fears following reports of fecal matter being discovered at Bay Beach.
Kelly Walsh, the town's infrastructure services director tells CKTB there is no excuse for residents to relieve themselves in the sand or water since they brought in porta-potties.
Some residents started to complain about people pooping into the sand of the beach and in the water after the town closed the main entrance to the beach and the connected washroom facilities.
Walsh points out that there are now more bathrooms available then ever before with 9 porta-potties.
He says it's been a long-standing issue in the area for a number of years and they are working on resolving it.
He says at the end of the day some people refuse to use porta-potties.
Walsh says after a very busy Canada Day weekend and many complaints of dirty, smelly porta-potties they have increased the cleaning schedule of the washrooms.
Walsh says there are no concerns of tap drinking water in the town, with water being tested daily.
He says construction had to take place over the summer to protect an endangered frog species called the Fowler's toad.
The project will be complete including the washrooms in October.
Town staff does monitor the beach along with police officers who can charge people who are caught defecating in public.