A freezing rain warning continues for Niagara.
Environment Canada's Peter Kimbell tells CKTB freezing rain will continue for most of today with temperatures sitting below zero.
He says the conditions are based on the temperature and we will get freezing drizzle or just rain depending on how warm it is.
He says there is a chance it will warm up enough to turn the freezing drizzle into rain during the day, but it will dip back down this evening, turning it back into freezing rain.
Kimbell says the freezing rain will end Thursday morning as the temperature rises above the freezing mark to plus 3.
The icy conditions caused many closures in Niagara, including school closures. Click here to see a full list.
Garbage collection in Niagara has been cancelled for today. Click here to find out when yours will be picked up.
A power outage is reported in St.Catharines. Click here to find out where.
There are various reports of vehicles that have slipped into ditches. No major road closures are reported.